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II. = dovnax , Anth.


donaki`ti" , ido", hJ , ( dovnax ) of reed, Anth.


dona±ko-gluvfo" »uØ1/4, on , ( gluvfw ) reed-cutting, penmaking, Anth.


dona±kovei" , essa, en , ( dovnax ) reedy, Eur .; dovlo" d ., of a reed covered with birdlime, Anth.


dona±ko-trovfo" , on , ( trevfw ) producing reeds, Theogn.


dona±kov-cloo" , on , contr. -clou" , oun , ( clovh ) green with reeds, Eur.


dovnax , a±ko", oJ , Ion. dou`nax , Dor. dw`nax : (from donevw , ‘a reed shaken by the wind,’ cf. rJivy from rJivptw ):— a reed, Hom .; dovnake" kalavmoio reed- stalks, h. Hom.

II. anything made of reed,
1. the shaft of an arrow, Il.
2. a shepherds pipe, Aesch ., Theocr.
3. a fishing-rod or limed twig ( cf. donakovei" ), Anth.
4. the bridge of the lyre, Ar.


donevw , f. hvsw :— Pass. , Dor. 3 sing. plqpf. dedovna<Eth>to :— to shake, of wind, Il.; d. gavla to shake it, as to make butter, Hdt.

2. to drive about, Lat. agitare , Od., Pind. :— Pass. , hJ jAsivh ejdoneveto Asia was in commotion, Hdt .; aijqh;r donei`tai Ar. Hence dovnhma


dovnhma , ato", tov , an agitation, waving, devndrou Luc.


dovxa± , hJ , ( dokevw ) a notion, true or false: and so,

1. expectation, ajpo; dovxh" otherwise than one expects, Hom .; para; dovxan h[ . . Hdt. ; opp. to kata; dovxan , Plat. , etc. ; ajpo; dovxh" pesevein , Lat. spe excidere , Hdt .; dovxan parevcein tiniv to make one expect that, c. inf ., Xen.

2. an opinion, judgment, Pind ., Att.
3. like dovkhsi" , a mere opinion, conjecture, Aesch ., etc. ; dovxh/ ejpivstasqai to imagine, suppose (but wrongly), Hdt. :—also, a fancy, vision, dream, Aesch ., Eur.

II. the opinion which others have of one, estimation, reputation, credit, honour, glory, Lat. existimatio , Solon, Aesch. , etc. ; dovxan fevresqai, e[cein Thuc ., etc. ; tinov" for a thing, Eur. :—rarely of ill

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