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dhmo-logevw , f. hvsw , ( levgw ) = dhmovomai , Anth.


dhmovomai , Dor. dam- , ( dh`mo" ) Pass. to talk popularly, Pind ., Plat.


dhmo-pivqhko" »iØ1/4, oJ , a mob-monkey, charlatan, Ar.


dhmo-poivhto" , on , made a citizen, not one by birth, Plut.


dhmor-riØfhv" , ev" , ( rJivptw ) hurled by the people, Aesch.


dh`mo" , oJ , a country-district, country, land, Hom.

II. the people of a country, the commons, Lat. plebs , dhvmou ajnhvr , opp. to basileuv" , Il., etc. ; of a single person, dh`mo" ejwvn being a commoner, Il.:—in historians, the commons, commonalty, opp. to oiJ eujdaivmone", oiJ paceve", oiJ dunatoiv , Hdt. , Thuc. ; of soldiers, opp. to officers, Xen. 2. like plh`qo" , the commons, the democracy, opp. to oiJ ojlivgoi , Hdt. , Ar. , etc.

III. in Attica, dh`moi, oiJ , townships or hundreds, = Dor. kw`mai , Lat. pagi , ancient divisions of the county, being (in the time of Hdt. ) 100 in number, 10 in each fulhv . (Deriv. uncertain.)


dhmov" , oJ , fat, Il., Ar. , etc. ; divplaki dhmw`/ (of sacrificial meat) with fat above and fat below, Il. (Deriv. unknown.)


Dhmosqenivzw , f. sw , to imitate Demosthenes, Plut.


dhmosiva/ , Adv. , v. dhmovsio" .


dhmosieuvw , f. sw , to confiscate, like dhmeuvw , Xen. : Pass. , ta; dedhmosieumevna popular sayings, Arist.

II. intr. to be in the public service, of physicians, Ar. , Plat. : generally, to be a public man, opp. to ijdiwteuvw , Id. From dhmovsio"


dhmovsio" , Dor. dam- , a, on , belonging to the people or state, Lat. publicus , opp. to i[dio" , Hdt. , Att. :— dhmovsion ei\nai, givgnesqai to be confiscated, Thuc ., Plat.

II. as Subst. , oJ dhmovsio" ( sc. dou`lo" ), a public servant, as the public crier, Hdt .; a public notary, Dem.

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