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skuØla±keiva , hJ , a breeding of dogs, Plut.


skuØlavkeuma »a±1/4, ato", tov , a whelp, cub, Anth.


skuØla±keuvw , f. sw , ( skuvlax ) to pair dogs for breeding, Xen.

II. Pass. to be suckled, Strab.


skuØlavkion »a±1/4, tov , Dim. of skuvlax , Plat. , Xen.


skuØla±k-wvdh" , e" , ( ei\do" ) like a young dog: to; skulakw`de" the nature of puppies, Xen.


skuvlax »uØ1/4, a±ko", oJ , and hJ , ( skuvllw ) a young dog, whelp, puppy, Lat. catulus , Od., Hes. :—generally, a dog, Soph ., etc.

2. = skumnov" , Eur.


skuvleuma »u<Eth>1/4, ato", tov , mostly in pl. the arms stript off a slain enemy, spoils, Eur ., Thuc. From skuleuvw


sku<Eth>leuvw , f. sw , ( sku`lon ) to strip or despoil a slain enemy of his arms, Hes. , Hdt. ; c. acc. pers. et rei, Kuvknon skuleuvsante" ajpÆ w[mwn teuvcea having stript the arms of Cycnus from his shoulders, Hes. 2. c. acc. rei et gen. pers. to strip the arms off an enemy, Xen. ; so, ajpo; tw`n nekrw`n sk. yevlia Hdt.


sku<Eth>lh-fovro" , on , poët. for skulofovro" , Anth.


Skuvlla± and Skuvllh , h", hJ , ( skuvllw ) Scylla, a monster barking like a dog, who inhabited a cavern in the Straits, of Sicily, and rent unwary mariners, Od.

skuvllw, SKU vLLW, skuvllw

SKU vLLW , aor. I e[sku<Eth>la :— Pass. , pf. e[skulmai :— to rend, mangle: Pass. , Aesch.

2. metaph. to trouble, annoy, Lat. vexare , N.T .: —Pass. or Med. , mh; skuvllou trouble not thyself, Ib.; ejskulmevnoi troubled, distressed, Ib.


skuØlodeyevw , f. hvsw , to tan hides, Ar. From skulodevyh"


skuØlo-devyh" , ou, oJ , ( devfw , f. devyw ) a tanner of hides, Ar .:—so skuØlov-deyo" , oJ , Dem.

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