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stigma±th-fovro" , on , ( fevrw ) bearing tattoo-marks.


stigma±tiva" , ou , Ion. -ivh" , ew, oJ , one who bears tattoomarks, a branded culprit, runaway slave, Xen. , etc.


stigmhv , hJ , ( stivzw ) = stivgma , a spot, point, Arist .: —metaph. a jot, tittle, Dem .; ejn st. crovnou in a moment, N.T.


stivzw , f. stivxw : aor. I e[stixa :— Pass. , pf. e[stigmai : (the Root is STIG , cf. e[-stig-mai , stig-mhv , etc. ):— to mark with a pointed instrument, to tattoo, Hdt ., Xen.

2. to brand, as a mark of disgrace, Hdt. , Ar. ; e[stizon stivgmata basilhvia branded them with the royal brand-marks, Hdt .; esp. of runaways, drapevth" ejstigmevno" Ar.

3. c. dupl. acc. , stivgmata stivzein tinav to brand one with a mark, Hdt.
4. metaph ., bakthriva/ st . to beat black and blue, Ar.
5. to mark with a full stop, Lat. interpungere , Anth.


stiktov" , hv, ovn , verb. Adj. of stivzw , punctured, Anth .:—generally, spotted, dappled, Soph ., Eur. ; stikta; o[mmata , of the hundred eyes of Argus, Eur.

stivlbw, STI vLBW, stivlbw

STI vLBW , chiefly in pres. and impf. , to glisten, Hom ., Eur. ; c. acc. cogn. , st. ajstrapav" to flash lightning, Eur. :— metaph. to shine, be bright, Id.


stivlh »iØ1/4 hJ , a drop, Lat. stilla : metaph. a little bit, a moment, Ar.


stilpnov" , hv, ovn , ( stivlbw ) glittering, glistening, Il.


* stivx , hJ , only in gen. sticov" , acc. stivca , and in nom. and acc. pl. stivce", stivca" : ( steivcw ):—the other cases being taken from stivco" , a row, line, rank or file, esp. of soldiers, Il., Aesch. , etc. :— metaph. , ejpevwn stivce" verses, lays, Pind.


stiptov" , hv, ovn , ( steivbw ) trodden down, close-pressed, Lat. stipatus , Soph .; stiptoi; gevronte" tough, sturdy old fellows, Ar.


sti`fo" , eo", tov , ( steivbw ) a close-pressed or compact body: a body of men in close array, a column, mass, Hdt ., Aesch. ; new`n sti`fo" the close array of ships, Aesch.


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