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qu<Eth>mo-levwn , onto", oJ , lion-hearted, Coeur-de-lion, Il.


qu<Eth>mov-manti" , ew", oJ, hJ , prophesying from ones own soul (without inspiration, like the qeovmanti" ), Aesch.


qu<Eth>mo-ma±cevw , to fight desperately, N.T ., Plut.


quvmon »uØ1/4 or quvmo" , eo", tov , thyme, Ar ., etc.

2. a mixture of thyme with honey and vinegar, Id. (Deriv. uncertain.)


qu<Eth>mo-plhqhv" , ev" , ( plh`qo" ) wrathful, Aesch.


qu<Eth>mo-rai>sthv" , ou`, oJ , ( rJaivw ) life-destroying, Il.


quvmo" , tov , v. quvmon .


qu<Eth>mov" , oJ , ( quvw B) the soul:

I. like Lat. anima , the soul, breath, life, qumo;n ajpaura`n, ajfelevsqai, ejxelevsqai, ejxaivnusqai, ojlevsai to take away life, Hom .; qumo;n ajpopneivein to expire, Il.; qumo;n ajgeivrein to collect oneself, Ib., etc. ; qumo;" teivreto kamavtw/ his spirit was wearied by toil, Ib.

II. like Lat. animus , the soul, heart; and so,
1. of desire for meat and drink, e[pion qÆ o{son h[qele qumov" Ib.:— c. inf ., balevein dev eJ qumo;" ajnwvgei his heart bade him shoot, Ib.; h[qele qumw`/ he wished in his heart or with all his heart, Ib.; qumw`/ boulovmeno" wishing with all ones heart, Hdt .; so, ejk qumou` filevein Il.:— qumov" ejstiv moi, q. givgnetaiv moi , c. inf ., I have a mind to do. . , Id., Xen. , etc. :—also as the seat of sorrow or joy, cai`re de; qumw`/ Il.; a[cnuto qumov" Ib., etc.

2. mind, temper, will, q. provfrwn, nhlehv", sidhvreo" Hom .; e{na qumo;n e[cein to be of one mind,
Il.; dovkhse dÆ a[ra sfivsi qumo;" w}" e[men it pleased them to be of this mind, Od.; ejdai?zeto qwmov" their mind was divided, Il.

3. spirit, courage, mevno" kai; qumov" Ib.; qumo;n lambavnein to take heart, Od.; parai; posi; kavppese qumov" Il., etc.

4. as the seat of anger, nemesivzesqai ejni; qumw`/ Ib.:—hence, anger, wrath, davmason qumovn Ib.; qumo;" mevga" ejsti; basilh`o" Ib.

5. the soul as the agent of thought, h[/dee ga;r kata; qumovn Ib.; fravzeto qumw`/ Ib.


qu<Eth>mosofikov" , hv, ovn , like a clever fellow, Ar. From qumovsofo"

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