doriv-margo" , on , raging with the spear, Aesch.dorimhvstwr
doriØ-mhvstwr , oro", oJ , master of the spear, Eur.dorivpalto"
doriv-palto" , on , ( pavllw ) wielding the spear, ejk cero;" doripavltou , i.e. on the right hand, Aesch.doripethv"
doriØ-pethv" , ev" , ( piv-ptw ) fallen by the spear, Eur.dorivpono"
doriv-pono" , on , toiling with the spear, Aesch ., Eur.doriptoivhto"
dori-ptoivhto" , on , ( ptoievw ) scattered by the spear, Anth.dorisqenhv"
dorisqenhv" , ev" , ( sqevno" ) mighty with the spear, Aesch.doristevfano"
dori-stevfano" , on , crowned for bravery, Anth.doritivnakto"
doriØ-tivnakto" »tiØ1/4, on , ( tinavssw ) shaken by battle, Aesch.dorivtmhto"
doriv-tmhto" , on , ( tevmnw ) pierced by the spear, Aesch.dorivtolmo"
doriv-tolmo" , on , ( tovlma ) bold in war, Anth.dorkavdeio"
dorkavdeio" »a±1/4, a, on , ( dorkav" ) of an antelope, Theophr.dorkaliv"
dorka±liv" , ivdo", hJ , = dorkav" , Anth. : paivgnia dorkalivdwn dice made of the vertebrae of an antelope, Id.dorkav", Dorkav"
dorkav" , avdo" »a±1/4, hJ , ( dev-dorka ) a kind of deer (so called from its large bright eyes), in Greece, the roe-deer, Eur ., Xen. ; in Syria and Africa, the gazelle, Hdt .:so dovrx , dorkov", hJ , Eur. , etc. ; zorkav" , Hdt.