DRA vSSOMAI , Att. dravttomai : f. dravxomai : aor. I ejdraxavmhn : pf. devdragmai or devdargmai , 2 pers. devdarxai : Dep. : to grasp, c. gen. rei, kovnio" dedragmevno" clutching a handsful of dust, Il.; so, ejlpivdo" dedragmevno" Soph.
2. to lay hold of, tiv mou devdarxai ; Eur. ; draxavmeno" favrugo" having seized [them] by the throat, Theocr.
II. c. acc. rei, to take by handsful, Hdt.
drastevo" , a, on , verb. Adj. of dravw , to be done, Soph.
II. drastevon , one must do, Id., Eur.
drasthvrio" , on , ( dravw ) vigorous, active, efficacious, Aesch ., Eur. : to; dr . activity, energy, Thuc.
2. in bad sense, audacious, Eur.
drastikov" , hv, ovn , = drasthvrio" , Plat.
dra±tov" , hv, ovn , metath. for dartov" , verb. Adj. of devrw , skinned, flayed, Il.
dracmhv , hJ , ( dravssomai ) properly, a handful, like dravgma :an Attic weight, a drachm, weighing about 66 1/2 grains, the Aeginetan being = 2/3 Attic.
2. an Att. silver coin, a drachma, worth 6 obols, i.e. 9 3/4 d., nearly = Roman denarius and Fr. franc, Hdt. , etc. Hence dracmiai`o"
dracmiai`o" , a, on , worth a drachma, to the amount of a drachma, Arist.
dravw, DRA vW
DRA vW , subj. drw`, dra`/", dra`/ ; opt. drw`/mi , Ep. drwvoimi : impf. e[drwn : f. dravsw : aor. I e[dra<Eth>sa , Ion. e[drhsa : pf. devdra<Eth>ka : Pass. , aor. I ejdravsqhn : pf. devdra<Eth>mai : to do, esp. to do some great thing, good or bad, cf. Lat. facinus , Att .; often opp. to pavscw, a[xia dravsa" a[xia pavscwn Aesch .; kakw`" dravsante" oujk ejlavssona pavscousi Id.; proverb., dravsanti paqei`n doers must suffer, Id.; peponqovta ma`llon h] dedrakovta things of suffering rather than of doing, Soph .; so, to; drw`n the doing of a thing, Id.: eu\ or kakw`" dra`n tina to do one a good or ill turn, Theogn. , Soph.
drepavnh »a±1/4, hJ , ( drevpw ) = drevpanon , a sickle, reapinghook, Il.: a pruning-hook, Hes.
drepa±nh-fovro" , on , ( fevrw ) bearing a scythe, a{rma d . a scythed car, Xen.