nuktiv-fanto" , on , appearing by night, Aesch., Eur.nuktivfoito"
nuktiv-foito" , on , ( foitavw ) night-roaming, Aesch.nuktifrouvrhto"
nukti-frouvrhto" , on , watching by night, Aesch.nuktoqhvra"
nukto-qhvra" , ou, oJ , ( qhravw ) a night-hunter, Xen.nuktomacevw
nukto-ma±cevw , f. hvsw , ( mavcomai ) to fight by night, Plut.nuktomaciva
nuktoma±civa , Ion. -ivh , hJ , a night-battle, Hdt., Thuc.nuktoperiplavnhto"
nukto-peri-plavnhto" , on , ( planavomai ) roaming about by night, Ar.nuktoporevw
nukto-porevw , f. hvsw , ( povro" ) to travel by night, Xen.nuktoporiva
nuktoporiva , hJ , a night-journey, night-march, Polyb.nuktofulakevw
nuktofuØla±kevw , f. hvsw , to keep guard by night, n. ta; e[xw to watch the outer parts by night, Xen. From nuktofuvlaxnuktofuvlax
nukto-fuvlax »uØ1/4, a±ko", oJ, hJ , a night-watcher, warder, Lat. excubitor , Xen.nuktw`/on
nuktw`/on , tov , ( Nuvx ) a temple of Night, Luc.nuktwpov"
nukt-wpov" , ovn , ( w[y ) = nukterwpov" , Eur.nuvktwr
nuvktwr , Adv., ( nuvx ) = by night, Hes., Soph., etc.nuvmfa
nuvmfa± , Ep. voc. for nuvmfh .II. nuvmfa<Eth> , Dor. for nuvmfh .