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mhno-eidhv" , ev" , ( mhvnh, ei\do" ) crescent-shaped, Lat. lunatus , Hdt., Thuc., etc.; mhnoeide;" poihvsante" tw`n new`n having formed them in a crescent, Hdt.:—of the sun and moon when partially eclipsed, Thuc., Xen.


mhvnu<Eth>ma , ato", tov , ( mhnuvw ) an information, Thuc.


mhnu<Eth>thvr , h`ro" , ( mhnuvw ) oJ , an informer, guide, Aesch.


mhnu<Eth>thv" , ou` , Dor. ma<Eth>nu<Eth>tav" , a`, oJ , ( mhnuvw ) bringing to light, m. crovno" Eur.

II. Subst. an informer, Lat. delator , Thuc.; katav tino" against a person, Dem.


mhvnu<Eth>tron , tov , the price of information, reward, h. Hom.:—in Att. only pl. mhvnutra , Thuc., etc.; and mhnuvtwr


mhnuvtwr »u<Eth>1/4, oro", oJ , = mhnuthvr , Anth. From mhnuvw

mhnuvw, MHNU vW

MHNU vW , Dor. ma<Eth>nuvw : f. uvsw »u<Eth>1/4 : aor. I ejmhvnu<Eth>sa : pf. memhvnu<Eth>ka :—Pass., 3 sing. pf. memhvnu<Eth>tai : aor. I ejmhnuvqhn :— to disclose what is secret, reveal, betray, generally, to make known, declare, indicate, h. Hom., Hdt., Att.:—with acc. and part., m. tina; e[conta to shew that he has, Hdt.; the part. is sometimes omitted, tovdÆ e[rgon se mhnuvei kakovn (sc. o[nta ) Eur.

II. at Athens to inform, lay public information against another, katav tino" Oratt.:—impers. in Pass., mhnuvetai information is laid, memhvnutai it has been laid, Thuc.

2. in Pass. also of persons, to be informed against, to be denounced, Xen.:—also of things, mhnuqevnto" tou` ejpibouleuvmato" Thuc.


mh; o{pw" , an elliptic phrase, mh »levge1/4 o{pw" , followed by ajllÆ oujdev , as mh; o{pw" ojrcei`sqai, ajllÆ oujdÆ ojrqou`sqai ejduvnasqe not only could you not dance, but not even stand upright, Xen.


mh; o{ti , = mh; o{pw" , foll. by ajllav , Lat. ne dicam , as, mh; o{ti ijdiwvthn tinav, ajlla; to;n mevgan basileva not to say a private person, but the great king, Plat.; mh; o{ti qeov", ajlla; kai; a[nqrwpoi ouj filou`sin Xen.

2. oujde or kai; ouj followed by mh; o{ti , as oujde; ajnapnei`n, mh; o{ti levgein ti dunhsovmeqa we shall not be able to breathe, much less to speak, Id.


mh; ouj , after Verbs expressing fear or apprehension, = Lat. vereor ut , devdoika mh; ouj gevnhtaiv ti I fear itwill not be; whereas devdoika mh; gevnhtai mean, I fear it will be. Here, mhv and ouj each retain their proper force.

II. with Infin.,

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