balanavgra ), Ar. , Thuc. (Deriv. uncertain.)
ba±la±novw , f. wvsw , to fasten with a bolt-pin ( bavlano" II ), bebalavnwke th;n quvran Ar .: Pass ., bebalanwmevno", h, on , shut close, secured, Id.
ba±lavntion, ba±lantiotomevw, ba±lantio-tovmo" , oJ , v. ball -
balbiv" , i`do", hJ , properly, the rope drawn across the race-course: mostly in pl. , Lat. carceres , the posts marking the line whence the racers started, and to which they returned, Ar .:then, any starting point, Eur. , Ar. ; metaph. , pro;" balbi`da bivou Eur.
II. also any point to be gained, as the battlements (by one scaling a wall), Soph. (Deriv. uncertain.)
balhvn , oJ , v. ballhvn .
ba±liov" , av, ovn , spotted, dappled, Eur.
II. parox. Balivo" , one of the horses of Achilles, Dapple, Il. (Deriv. uncertain.)
ballavntion , less correctly balavntion, tov , a bag, pouch, purse, Simon., Ar.
ballantiotomevw , f. hvsw , to cut purses, Plat ., Xen. From ballantiotovmo"
ballantio-tovmo" , oJ , ( tevmnw ) a cut-purse, Ar ., Plat.
ballhvn , oJ , a king, Aesch. (Prob. from Baal, Bel.)
Ballhvna±de blevpein , a pun between bavllw and the Attic deme Pallhvnh , Ar.
bavlleu , Ep. for bavllou , imper. med. of bavllw .
bavllw (Root BAL ): f. ba±lw` , Ion. balevw , rarely ballhvsw : aor. 2 e[ba±lon , Ion. inf. balevein : pf. bevblhka : plqpf. ejbeblhvkein , Ep. beblhvkein : Med. , 3 sing. Ion. impf. ballevsketo : f. ba±lou`mai : aor. 2 ejba±lovmhn , Ion. imper. baleu` : Pass. , f. blhqhvsomai and beblhvsomai : aor. I ejblhvqhn : Hom. also has an Ep. 3 sing. syncop. aor. 2 pass. , e[blhto ; subj. blhvetai (for blh`tai ), opt. 2 sing. blh`/o or blei`o ; inf.