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blh`sqai ; part. blhvmen : pf. bevblhmai , Ion. 3 pl. beblhvatai , plqpf. ejbeblhvato .

A. Act. to throw:
I. with acc. of person or thing aimed at, to throw so as to hit, to hit one with a missile, opp. to striking ( tuvptw, oujtavw ) , blhvmeno" hje; tupeiv" Il.; c. dupl. acc. pers. et partis, min bavle mhro;n oji>stw`/ Ib.: c. acc. cogn. added, e{lko", tov min bavle the wound which he gave him, Ib.:—also, bavle katÆ ajspivda smote upon it, Ib.

2. of things, hJnivocon rJaqavmigge" e[ballon Ib.; of the Sun, ajkti`sin e[ballen »cqovna1/4 Od.: to strike

the senses, of sound, ktuvpo" ou[ata bavllei Il.

3. metaph ., b. tina; kakoi`" to smite with reproaches, Soph. , etc. ; fqovno" bavllei tinav Aesch.
II. with acc. of the weapon thrown, to throw, cast, hurl, balw;n bevlo" Il; ejn nhusi;n pu`r bavllein Ib.:—with dat. of the weapon, to throw or shoot with a thing, cermadivosi Ib.; bevlesi b. tina Hom .; b. ejpiv tina to throw at one, Thuc. ; ejpi; skopovn or skopou` Xen.

2. generally of anything thrown, eij" a{la luvmatÆ e[ballon Il., etc. :—of persons, b. tina; ejn konivh/sin, ejn dapevdw/ Hom ., etc. ; metaph. , ej" kako;n b. tinav Od.; b. tina;ej" fovbon Eur .; also, ejn aijtiva/ or aijtiva
b. tinav
3. to let fall, eJtevrwse kavrh bavlen Il.; b. ajpo; davkru pareiw`n Od.
4. of the eyes, eJtevrwse bavlÆ o[mmata cast them the other way, Ib., etc.
5. in a loose sense, to throw, to put, place, ejn sthvqessi mevno" bavle Il.; o{pw" filovthta metÆ ajmfotevroisi bavlwmen may put friendship between them, Ib.; b. tiv tini ejn qumw`/ Od.; ej" qumo;n b . to lay to heart, Soph.

6 to put round, ajmfÆ ojcevessi bavle kuvkla Il.; and of clothes or arms, ajmfi; dÆ jAqhvnh w[moi" bavlÆ aijgivda Ib.

7. balwvn is sometimes added, like labwvn or e[cwn , at the end of a sentence, almost as an expletive, with, Soph.

III. intr ., potamo;" eij" a{la bavllwn falling, Il.; ejn pevdw/ balw` ( sc. ejmauthvn ) Aesch.
2. so in familiar language, bavllÆ ej" kovraka" away with you! be hanged! Lat. pasce corvos! abi in malam rem ! Ar.

B. Med. to put for oneself, ejni; qumw`/ bavlleu layit to heart, Od.; ej" qumo;n bavllesqaiv ti Hdt .; ejfÆ eJwutouØ balovmeno" on ones own judgment, of oneself, Id.

2. tovxa or xivfo" ajmfÆ w[moi" bavllesqai to throw about ones shoulder, Il.
3. ej" gastevra bavllesqai , of a woman, to conceive, Hdt.
4. to lay the foundations of, begin to form, oijkodomivan, stratovpedon , Plat. , etc. ; b. a[gkuran to cast anchor, Hdt.

II. rarely, crova bavllesqai loutroi`" to dash ones flesh with water, bathe, h. Hom.


ba<Eth>lov" , oJ , Dor. for bhlov" .


ba±lw` , f. ind. and aor. 2 subj. of bavllw .


ba`ma , tov , Dor. for bh`ma .


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