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eijkosthv , hJ , v. eijkostov" II .


eijkosto-lovgo" , oJ, hJ , ( levgw ) one who collects the twentieth, a tax or toll collector, Ar.


eijkostov" , hv, ovn , ( ei[kosi ) the twentieth, Od.; Ep. also ejeikostov" , Il.

II. eijkosthv, hJ , a tax of a twentieth, Lat. vicesima , levied by the Athenians on imports and exports from the allies in lieu of tribute, Thuc.


eijko"-wvrugo" , on , ( ojrguiva ) of 20 fathoms, Xen.


eijkovtw" , Adv. of eijkwv" , Att. pf. part. of e[oika , in all likelihood, suitably, fairly, reasonably, naturally, Aesch. , etc. ; eijkovtw" e[cei ‘tis reasonable, Eur .; oujk eijkovtw" un reasonably, Thuc.


e[i>kton, eji?kthn , 3 dual pf. and impf. of e[oika :— e[i>kto , 3 sing. plqpf.

ei[kw, EI [KW

* EI [KW , to be like, seem likely, v. e[oika .


ei[kw (Root ü IK , cf. Lat. vi-to for vic-to): f. ei[xw : aor. I ei\xa , Ion. 3 sing. ei[xaske ; cf. eijkaqei`n :— to yield, give way, draw back, retire, Il.

2. c. dat. pers. et gen. loci, mhdÆ ei[kete cavrmh" jArgeivoi" shrink not from the fight for them, Ib.; ei[kein tini; th`" oJdou` , Lat. concedere alicui de via , Hdt.

3. with dat. pers. only, to yield to, give way to, either in battle or a mark of honour, Hom. :—then, to give way to any passion or impulse, w|/ qumw`/ ei[xa" Il.; aijdoi` Od.:—also of circumstances, penivh/ ei[kwn Ib.; kakoi`", ajnavgkh/ Aesch.

4. ei[kein tiniv ti , where the acc. is adverbial, mevno" oujdevni ei[kwn yielding to none in force, Hom. ;
c. acc. cogn. , ei[xanta" a} dei` yielding in. . , Soph.
II. trans. to yield up, give up, ei\xaiv tev oiJ h{nia give the horse the rein, Il.:— to grant, allow, Lat. concedere , oJphnivkÆ a]n qeo;" plou`n hJmi;n ei[kh/ Soph.

III. impers ., like pareivkei , it is allowable or possible, Il.


eijkwvn , hJ , gen. ovno" , acc. ovna , etc. : poët. and Ion. forms (as if from eijkwv ) gen. eijkou`" , acc. eijkwv , pl. eijkouv" :( * ei[kw, e[oika ):— a likeness, image, portrait, Hdt ., Aesch.

2. an image in a mirror, Eur ., Plat.
II. a semblance, phantom, Eur ., Plat. , etc. : an image in the mind, Id.
III. a similitude, simileŒ , Ar. , Plat.


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