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ejtuvchsa, e[tuØcon , aor. I and 2 of tugcavnw .


ejtwsio-ergov" , ovn, ( * e[rgw ) working fruitlessly, Hes.


ejtwvsio" , on , ( ejtov" Adv .), fruitless, useless, unprofitable, Lat. irritus , ejtwvsion a[cqo" ajrouvrh" Il., etc.


eu\ , Ep. eju? , Adv. ( neut. of eju?" ), well, Lat. bene , opp. to kakw`" , Hom. , etc. ; with another Adv. , eu\ kai; ejpistamevnw" well and workmanlike, Hom. ; so, eu\ kata; kovsmon well and in order, Il.:—also, luckily, happily, well off, Od.:—in Prose, eu\ e[cein to be well off, Att . ;c. gen ., eu\ h{kein tou` bivou to be well off for livelihood, Hdt.

2. eu\ ge , oft. in answers, v. eu\ge .
3. with Adjectives or Adverbs, to add to their force, eu\ pavnte" , like mavla pavnte" , Od.; eu\ mavla Ib.; eu\ pavnu Ar .; eu\ safw`" Aesch.

II. as Subst. , to; eu\ the right, the good cause, to; dÆ eu\ nikavtw Id.
III. as the Predicate of a propos., tiv tw`ndÆ eu\ ; which of these things is well? Id.; eu\ ei[h may it be well,

IV. in Compos., it has all the senses of the Adv. , but commonly implies greatness, abundance, prosperity, easiness, opp. to du"- . (Like a- privat., Lat. in- , du"- , it is properly compounded with Nouns only, Verbs beginning with eu\ being derived from a compd. Noun, as, eujpaqevw from eujpaqhv". euj-dokevw is an exception.)


eu| , Ion. for ou| , Lat. sui , gen. of reflexive Pron. of 3d pers.


eujaggelivzomai , ( eujavggelo" ), Dep. to bring good news, announce them, Ar ., Dem. , etc.

II. to proclaim as glad tidings, th;n basileivan tou` Qeou` N.T.
2. absol. to preach the gospel, Ib.:— c. acc. pers. to preach the gospel to persons, Ib.;—so also in Act. , Ib.:— Pass. to have the gospel preached to one, Ib.; of the gospel, to be preached, Ib.


eujaggevlion , tov , the reward of good tidings, given to the messenger, Od.; in pl. , eujaggevlia quvein to make a thankoffering for good tidings, Xen ., etc. ; eujaggelivwn qusivai Aeschin .; eujaggevlia stefanou`n tina to crown one for good news, Ar.

II. in Christian sense, the Glad Tidings, i.e. the Gospel (Saxon gode-spell), N.T .; and eujaggelisthv"


eujaggelisthv" , ou`, oJ , the bringer of good tidings, an evangelist, preacher of the gospel, N.T. From eujavggelo"


euj-avggelo" , on , bringing good news, Aesch.


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