euj-parovxunto" , on , ( paroxuvnw ) rendered irritable, Plut.
euj-parovrmhto" , on , ( parormavw ) easily excited, Arist.
euj-pavruØfo" , on , ( parufhv ) with fine purple border, Plut.
2. of persons, wearing such a garment, Lat. praetextatus, a grandee , Luc.
euj-pa±tevreia , hJ , ( pathvr ) daughter of a noble sire, Hom.
2. of places, of a noble father, Eur.
euj-pa±trivdh" , ou , Dor. -da" , a, oJ , ( pathvr ) of good or noble sire, of noble family, of persons, Soph. , Eur. , etc. ; eujpatrivdai oi\koi Eur.
II. at Athens in the old time, the eujpatrivdai formed the first class (the Nobles), the gewmovroi the second, the dhmiourgoiv the third, Xen. 2. at Rome, the Patricians, Id.
eu[pa±tri" , ido", hJ , ( pathvr ) born of a noble sire, Eur .; tiv" a]n eu[patri" w|de blavstoi ; who could be born so worthy of a noble sire? Soph .; ejlpivdwn eujpatrivdwn of hopes derived from those of noble birth, Id.
euj-pavtwr »a±1/4, oro", oJ, hJ , ( pathvr ) born of a noble sire, Aesch.
euj-peiqhv" , ev" , ( peivqw ) ready to obey, obedient, tini Aesch ., Plat. ; also tino" , Id.
II. act. persuasive, Aesch.
eu[peisto" , on , ( peivqomai ) easily persuaded, Arist.
euj-pevmpelo" , on , a word of uncertain meaning in Aesch. , either tranquil, placable, as if it were eujpevmfelon ( cf. duspevmfelo" ), or easy to be sent away ( cf. duvspempto" ).
euj-pevnqero" , on , with a good father-in-law, Theocr.
eu[-peplo" , on , beautifully robed, Hom.