rJu<Eth>tov" , hv, ovn, ( * rJuvw, ejruvw ) dragged along, rJutoi;lave" stones dragged along, i.e. too large to carry, Od.
rJuØtov" , hv, ovn , ( rJevw ) flowing, running, fluid, liquid, Trag.
rJuvtwr »u<Eth>1/4, oro", oJ , ( rJuvomai ) a saviour, deliverer, Aesch ., Anth. ; tinov" from a thing, Id.
* rJuvw , whence ejruvw , to draw: v. rJuvomai .
rJwga±levo" , a, on , ( rJwvx ) broken, cleft, rent, torn, Hom.
rJwgav" , avdo", oJ, hJ , ( rJwvx ) = foreg., ragged, Babr .; rJ. pevtra a cloven rock, Theocr.
rJwvqwn , wno", oJ , the nose: in pl. the nostrils, Strab.
JRwmai>kov" , hv, ovn , and JRwmai`o" , a, on , Roman, a Roman, Polyb ., etc. ; Adv. -kw`" , in Latin, Anth.
JRwmai>stiv , Adv. in Latin, Plut.
rJwma±levo" , a, on , ( rJwvmh ) strong of body, Plat.
2. of things, mighty, strong, Hdt.
rJwvmh, JRwvmh
rJwvmh , hJ , ( rJwvomai ) bodily strength, strength, might, Hdt ., Trag. , etc. ; ouj mia`/ rJwvmh/ not single-handed, Soph.
II. a force, i.e. army, Xen.
rJwvnnu<Eth>mi , f. rJwvsw : aor. I e[rrwsa : Pass. , rJwvnnuØmai , aor. I ejrrwvsqhn : pf. e[rrwmai : ( rJwvomai ): to strengthen, make strong and mighty, Plut.
II. mostly in pf. pass. (with pres. sense) e[rrwmai , and plqpf. ejrrwvmhn (as impf. ): to put forth strength, have strength or might, Eur ., Thuc. : c. inf. to have strength to do, be eager to do, Thuc.
2. often in imperat. , e[rrwso , farewell, Lat. vale , Xen .; also, fravzein tini; ejrrw`sqai , Lat. valere jubere , Plat.
3. part. ejrrwmevno" , = rJwmalevo" , v. sub voce.
rJwvx , rJwgov", hJ , ( rJhvgnumi ) a cleft: in Od., rJw`ge" megavroio are narrow passages leading to the hall.