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to enervate, Eur ., Xen. : metaph. to soften, Zevfuro" ku`ma qhluvnei Anth .: —Pass. to become weak and womanish, Soph .: to play the coquet. Bion.


qhlu-prephv" , ev" , ( prevpw ) befitting a woman, Anth.


qh`lu" , qhvleia, qh`lu Hom .; qh`lu" also as fem. : inIon. the fem. forms are qhvlea, qhvlean, qhlevh", qhlevh/ , pl. qhvleai, qhvlea", qhlevwn :( * qavw to suckle): of female sex, female, qhvleia qeov" a goddess, Il.; qhvleiai i{ppoi mares, Od.; suve" qhvleiai sows, Ib.; o[i>" qh`lu" a ewe, Il.; a[pai" qhvleo" govnou without female issue, Hdt. :— hJ qhvlea , Att. -eia , the female, Id., Aesch. ; crh`ma qhleiw`n woman- kind, Eur. ; to; qh`lu gevno" or to; qh`lu the female sex, woman kind, Id.

2. of or belonging to women, Hdt ., Aesch. ; q. fovno" murder by women, Eur.
3. in Gramm. feminine.
II. applied to persons and things,
1. fresh, refreshing, of dew, Hes.
2. tender, delicate, gentle, qhluvterai gunai`ke", qhluvterai qeaiv (where the Comp. is used much like a Positive), Hom. ; qh`lu" ajpo; croia`" delicate of skin, Theocr. ; of character, soft, yielding, weak, gunh; qh`lu" ou\sa Soph.


qhluv-sporo" , on , ( speivrw ) of female kind, Aesch.


qhluvth" , hto", hJ , ( qh`lu" ) womanishness, delicacy, effeminacy, Plut.


qhlu-tovko" , on , ( tivktw ) giving birth to girls, Theocr.


qhlu-fa±nhv" , ev" , ( faivnomai ) like a woman, Plut ., Anth.


qhluØ-civtwn »iØ1/4, oJ, hJ , with womans frock, Anth ., Luc.


qhJmevra/ , crasis for th`/ hJmevra/ .


qhJmetevrou , crasis for tou` hJmetevrou .


qh[misu , crasis for to; h{misu .


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