the court, Id.
3. proverb., glwvssha/ quvrai oujk ejpivkeintai ( cf. ajqurovtomo" ) Theogn. ; ejpi; quvrai" th;n uJdrivan to break the pitcher at the very door, = theres many a slip twixt cup and lip, Arist.
the door
of a carriage,
quvrh katapakthv
a trap-door,
a frame of planks, a raft,
fraxavmenoi th;n ajkrovpolin quvrh/siv te kai; xuvloi"
and logs, Id.
II. generally, an entrance, as to a grotto, Od.
quvraze , Adv. properly quvra"-de , out to the door, outof the door, Lat. foras , Hom.
2. generally, out, Id.; q. ejxievnai to go out of the ship, Il.:so in Att. , ejkfevrein q., ejxevlkein tina; q . Ar. ; oiJ q . those outside, Id.
3. c. gen ., aJlo;" q . out of the sea, Od.; q. tw`n novmwn , like e[xw , Eur.
quvra<Eth>qen , Ep. quvrhqe , ( quvra ) Adv. from outside the door, from without, Eur.
2. outside the door, outside, quvrhqÆ e[a was out of the sea, Od.: oiJ q . aliens, the enemy, Aesch.
quØrai`o" , a, on , and o", on , ( quvra ) at the door or just outside the door, Aesch ., Soph. ; q. oijcnei`n to go to the door, go out, Id.; q. povlemo" , opp. to civil war, Aesch.
2. absent, abroad, Id.; from abroad, Eur .; a[ndre" qur . strangers, other men, Id.; qurai`a fronhvmatÆ the thoughts of strangers, Id.
3. = ajllov trio" , Lat. alienus , o[lbo" q . the luck of other men, Aesch .; ph`ma Eur.
quvra<Eth>si, -sin , Adv. ( quvra ) at the door, outside, without, Lat. foris , Ar.
2. out of doors, abroad, Eur.
quØraulevw , f. hvsw , to live in the open air, to camp out, Xen ., etc. : in war, to keep the field, Arist.
quØrauliva , hJ , a living out of doors, camping out, Luc.
quvr-aulo" , on , ( aujlhv ) living out of doors, Hesych.
quØrev-aspi" , ido", hJ , a large shield, Anth .; cf. qureov" II .
quØreov" , oJ , ( quvra ) a stone put against a door to keep it shut, a door-stone, Od.
II. a large oblong shield (like a door), opp. to ajspiv" (the round shield), as Lat. scutum to clipeus, ap.