ca±liv-krhto" , on , poët. for a[krato" , unmixed, Archil.
ca±li<Eth>na±gwgevw , to guide with or as with a bridle, to bridle, Luc ., N.T. From calinagwgov"
ca±li<Eth>n-agwgov" , ovn , guiding as with a bridle.
cali<Eth>no-poiikhv ( sc. tevcnh ) , hJ , bridle-making, Arist.
ca li nov", CA LI NO vS
C ØALI-NO vS , oJ , a bridle, bit, Il.; calino;n ejmbalei`n gnaqoi`" Eur .:of the horse, calino;n oujk ejpivstatai fevrein Aesch .; c. devcesqai Xen .; c. ejndakei`n to champ the bit, Plat. :of the rider, to;n c. didovnai to give a horse the rein, Xen .; ojpivsw spa`n Plat.
2. metaph. of anything which curbs or restrains, of an anchor, Pind. ; calinoi`" ejn petrivnoisi , of Prometheus bound to the rock, Aesch.
II. generally, a strap or thong, Eur. Hence calinovw
ca±li<Eth>novw , f. wvsw , to bridle or bit a horse, Xen. Hence calivnwsi"
ca±livnwsi" , ew", hJ , a bridling, Xen.
ca±li<Eth>nwthvria ( sc. o{pla ) , tav , cables or ropes to moor ships to the shore, Eur.
cavlix, CA vLIX
CA vLIX »a±1/4, iØko", oJ and hJ , a small stone, pebble, in pl. , Luc. , etc.
2. as collect. in sing. , gravel, rubble, used in building, Thuc. ; so also in pl. , Ar.
cavli", CA vLIS
CA vLIS »a±1/4, io", oJ , sheer wine, Lat. merum , Hippon.
ca±lifronevw , f. hvsw , to be lightminded, Od.; and califrosuvnh
ca±lifrosuvnh , hJ , levity, thoughtlessness, Od. From calivfrwn
ca±liv-frwn , ono", oJ, hJ , ( cavli" ) light-minded, thoughtless, Od.
calk-avrma±to" , on , ( a{rma ) with brasen chariot, Pind.