sum-plhrovw , f. wvsw , to help to fill, ". toi`siÆAqhnaivoisi ta;" neva" to help them in manning the ships, Hdt.
II. to fill up, x. eJxhvkonta nau`" to man them fully, Thuc.
sumploi>kov" , hv, ovn , ( suvmploo" ) sailing with or together, sumpl. filiva friendship of shipmates, Arist.
sumplokhv , hJ , ( sumplevkw ) an intertwining, complication, Plat.
2. a close struggle or engagement, Id.
suvmploo" , on , contr. -plou" , oun , ( sumplevw ) sailing with one in a ship, a shipmate, Hdt .; c. dat. pers., Eur. : poët. of ships, Anth.
2. metaph. a partner or comrade in a thing, c. gen ., Soph.
sumplwvw , Ion. for sumplevw .
sum-pnevw , f. -pneuvsomai , to breathe together with, tiniv Anth .: metaph. , ejmpaivoi" tuvcaisi " . to go along with the sudden blasts of fortune, to yield or bow to them, Aesch.
2. absol. to agree together, conspire, Dem.
sum-pnivgw »i<Eth>1/4 , f. -pnivxomai , to throttle, choke, press closely, N.T.
suvmpnoo" , on , contr. -pnou" , oun , ( sumpnevw ) animated by one breath, in accord with, tini Anth.
sum-podivzw , f. sw , to tie the feet together, bind hand and foot, Ar .: Pass. to be entangled in a net, Xen.
II. metaph. to entangle, Lat. impedire , Plat.
sum-poievw , f. hvsw , to help in doing a thing, Isae.
sum-poimaivnomai , Pass. to feed together, Eur.
sum-polemevw , f. hvsw , to join in war, Thuc ., Xen. , etc. ; tiniv with one, Xen.
sumpolivzw , to unite into one city: Pass. , Strab.