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sun-aposbevnnu<Eth>mi , f. -sbevsw , to put out with or together, tiv tini Anth .: —Pass ., with aor. 2 act. -evsbhn , pf. -evsbhka , to be put out together, Plut.


sun-apostevllw , f. -stelw` , to despatch together with another, c. dat ., Thuc. , Xen.


sun-aposterevw , f. hvsw , to help to strip or cheat, tinav tino" one of a thing, Dem.


sun-apofaivnomai , f. -fa±nou`mai , Med. to assert likewise or together, to agree in asserting, Isocr ., etc.


sun-avptw , f. -avyw , to tie or bind together, to join together, unite, ". cevra , in sign of friendship, Eur. ; ijdouv, xuvnayon ( sc. th;n cevra ) Id.; but, ". cei`rav tino" ejn brovcoi" to bind it fast, Id.:— ". povda or i[cno" tiniv to meet him, Id.; ". kw`lon tavfw/ to approach the grave, Id.; so, fovno" ". tina; ga`/ Id.:— x. blevfara to close the eyes, Id.; ". stovma to kiss one, Id.:— ". kaka; kakoi`" to link misery with misery, Id.; but, ". kakovn tini to link him with misery, Id.: ". tini; dai`ta to give one ameal, Id.: proverb., ". livnon livnw/ to join thread to thread, i.e. to compare things of the same sort, Plat.

2. to connect in thought, to combine, Id.: ". mhcanhvn to frame a plan, Aesch. ; ". o[nar ei[" tina to connect it with him, refer it to him, Eur. ; xunh`ye pavntasej" mivan blavbhn involved them in one loss, Id.

II. in hostile sense, ". eij" mavchn to bring into action, Hdt. ; ejlpi;" povlei" xunh`ye engaged them in conflict, Eur.

2. ". mavchn to join battle, Hdt. ; tiniv with one, Aesch. ; prov" tina Thuc .: also (without mavchn ) to engage, Hdt ., Ar. :— Pass. , nei`ko" sunh`ptaiv tini prov" tina Hdt.

III. in friendly sense, to unite, Xen .: —Pass ., sunavptesqaiv tini to have intercourse with, Anth.
2. c. acc. rei, ". mu`qon, o{rkou" Eur .; ".tini; gavmou", levktra, kh`do" to form an alliance by marriage, Id.: xunavptesqai kh`do" th`" qugatrov" to get ones daughter married, Thuc.

B. intr .:
I. in local sense, to border on, lie next to, Hdt .; Thvnw/ sunavptei [Andro" Aesch.
2. of Time, to be nigh at hand, Pind .; so of events, luvph ". tiniv Eur.
3. metaph. of thoughts, to meet together, Arist .:— to be connected with, prov" ti Id.
II. of persons, ". lovgoisi to enter into conversation, Soph. ; so, ej" lovgou" x. tiniv Eur .; also, ". eij" coreuvmata to join in the dance, Id.; ". ej" cei`ra gh`/ , i.e. to come close to land, Id.

2. tuvca podo;" xunavptei moi , i.e. I have come in good time, Id.
C. Med. to be next to, connected with, tini Xen.
2. to take part with one, to assist, tini Eur .; absol. , Aesch.
3. to bring upon oneself, plhgav" Dem.


sun-apwqevw , f. hvsw , to push away together, Luc.


suna`rai , aor. I inf. of sunaivrw .


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