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skeuoforevw , f. hvsw , to carry baggage, Xen .: —Pass. to have ones baggage carried, Plut.


skeuoforikov" , hv, ovn , of or for baggage-carrying, Xen .; bavro" sk . the load for one animal, a beasts

load, Id.


skeuo-fovro" , on , ( fevrw ) carrying skeuvh, aiJ sk. kavmhloi the baggage- camels, Hdt. ; ta; sk . ( sc. kthvnh ) the beasts of burden in an army, Thuc ., etc.

II. as Subst. , of persons, a baggage-carrier, porter, Ar .; oiJ sk . the sutlers, camp-followers, Hdt ., Thuc. , etc.


skeuofuØla±kevw , f. hvsw , to watch the baggage, Plut. From skeuofuvlax


skeuo-fuvlax »uØ1/4, a±ko", oJ , a storekeeper.


skeuwrevomai , aor. I ejskeuwrhsavmhn : pf. ejskeuwvrhmai : Dep. : ( skeuwrov" ):— to look after the baggage ( ta; skeuvh ): hence, generally, to examine throughly, ransack it, Plut.

II. to fabricate, make up, Dem .; with a sense of fraud or intrigue, Id.:— absol. to act knavishly, Id. Hence skeuwvrhma


skeuwvrhma , ato", tov , a fabrication, fraud, Dem.


skeuwriva , hJ , attention to baggage: hence, generally, great care, excessive care, Arist.

II. fabrication, knavery, intrigue, Dem. From skeuwrov"


skeu-wrov" , ovn , ( w[ra cura) = skeuofuvlax .


skevyi" , ew", hJ , ( skevptomai ) a viewing, perception by the senses, Plat.

II. speculation, consideration, Id.; nevmein skevyin to take thought of a thing, Eur. ; ejnqei;" th`/ tevcnh/ skevyin Ar .; sk. periv tino" or ti inquiry into, speculation on a thing, Plat.

2. hesitation, doubt ( v. skeptikov" ), Anth.


skh`lai , aor. I inf. of skevllw .


skhnavw, = sq. , Xen.

II. skhnavomai Dep ., with pf. and plqpf. pass ., to dwell, live, Plat .; ejskhnhmevnoi in covered carriages ( v. skhvnh III ), Ar. ; iJerav, ejn oi|" ejskhvnhnto in which they found harbourage, Thuc.

2. c. acc ., skhnhsavmeno" kaluvbhn having built him a hut or cottage, Id.

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