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qiavsw" , Dor. for qiavsou" , acc. pl. of qivaso" .


qia±swvth" , ou, oJ , the member of a qivaso" , Ar. , etc. :— c. gen ., qiasw`tai tou` [Erwto" followers of Love, Xen. ; oJ ejmo;" q . Eur.

2. of Bacchus, leader of qivasoi , Anth.


qiggavnw »a±1/4 , f. qivxomai : aor. 2 e[qiØgon : ( lengthd. from Root QIG , cf. qigei`n , Lat. te-tig-i ): to touch, handle, c. gen ., Trag.

2. to take hold of, tinov" Soph ., etc. ; wjlevnai" q. tinov" to embrace, Eur.
3. to touch, attempt, lovgou glwvssh/ q . Soph. :—in hostile sense, to attack, qhrov" Eur.
II. metaph. of the feelings, to touch, Id.; yuch`", frenw`n q . Id.; polla; qiggavnei pro;" h\par reach to the heart, Aesch.

2. to reach, gain, win, tinov" Pind ., etc. :— Pind. uses it in this sense, as he does yauvw , c. dat.


qiØgei`n , aor. 2 inf. of qiggavnw .


qivxomai , fut. of qiggavnw .

qiv", QI vS

QI vS »i<Eth>1/4, qi<Eth>nov", oJ , and hJ , a heap, Od., Aesch. :—in pl. sand-heaps, sand-banks, Hdt ., etc.

2. the beach, shore, para; qi`na qalavssh" Il.; para; qi`nÆ aJlov" Ib.; so, ejpi; qiniv Od.
3. sand or mud at the bottom of the sea, oi\dma kulivndei bussovqen qi`na Soph .; metaph. , to;n qi`nav mou taravttei" you trouble the very bottom of my heart, Ar.


qlavsse , Ep. for e[qla±se , 3 sing. aor. I of qlavw .

qlavw, QLA vW

QLA vW , inf. qla`n , f. qlavsw : aor. I e[qla±sa , Ep. qlavssa :— Pass. , pf. tevqlagmai :— to crush, bruise, Hom.

qlivbw, QLI vBW, qlivbw

QLI vBW »i<Eth>1/4 : f. qlivyw : aor. I e[qliya :— Pass. , pf. tevqlimmai :— to press, squeeze, pinch, Ar ., Dem. :— Pass. of a person heavy-laden, wJ" qlivbomai ! Ar. :— Med. , pollh`/si flih`/si qlivyetai w[mou" he will rub his shoulders against many doorposts, of a beggar, Od.

II. to pinch, compress, straiten, Plat .: —Pass. to be compressed, qlibomevna kaluvba a small, close hut, Theocr. ; oJdo;" teqlimmevnh a narrow way, N.T. 2. metaph. to oppress, afflict, distress, Arist.

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