qnavskw , Dor. for qnhvskw : qnatov" for qnhtov" .
qnhvskw, qnhv/skw
qnhvskw , Dor. qnavskw : f. qa±nou`mai , Ep. inf. -evesqai : aor. 2 e[qa±non , Ep. and Ion. qanevein inf. also qanevmen : pf. tevqnhka , with syncop. forms, 3 dual tevqna±ton , 1 pl. tevqna±men , 3 pl. teqna±si ; 3 pl. plqpf. ejtevqna±san ; imper. tevqna±qi, teqnavtw ; opt. teqnaivhn ; inf. teqnavnai »a±1/4 , Ep. teqnavmenai, -avmen ; part. teqnewv", teqnew`sa, teqneov" ; Ep. teqnhwv" or -eiwv", -ui`a ; gen. teqnhw`to" and teqnhovto" :from tevqnhka arose the Att. fut. forms teqnhvxw, teqnhvxomai . (The Root is QAN , found in aor. 2 qanei`n , etc. ):in pres. and impf. to die, be dying, in aor. 2 and pf. to be dead, Hom ., etc. ; the pres. sometimes takes a pf. sense, qnhvskousi gavr , for teqnhvkasi , Soph. , Eur.
2. often used like a pass. Verb, cersi;n uJpÆ Ai[anto" qanevein to fall by his hand, be slain by him, Il., etc. :note the phrase of Dem. , teqna`si tw`/ devei tou;" toiouvtou" , where teqna`si tw`/ devei must be taken as a single Verb, are in mortal fear of.
II. metaph. of things, to die, perish, Aesch ., Soph. , etc.
qnhto-genhv" , Dor. qna<Eth>t- , ev" , ( givgnomai ) of mortal race, Soph ., Eur.
qnhto-eidhv" , ev" , ( ei\do" ) of mortal nature, Plat.
qnhtov" , hv, ovn , and ov", ovn : Dor. qnatov" : ( qnhvskw ): liable to death, mortal, Hom ., etc. :as Subst. , qnhtoiv mortals, Od., Trag.
2. of things, befitting mortals, human, Pind ., Eur. , etc.
qoavzw , only in pres. , ( qoov" ) trans. to move quickly, ply rapidly, ptevruga" Eur .; tiv" o{dÆ ajgw;n qoavzwn se ; what task is thus hurrying thee on? Id.; qoavzw povnon I urge it on, Id.; q. si`ta to dispatch food quickly, Id.
to move quickly, hurry along, rush, dart,
to sit,
tivna" poqÆ e{dra" qoavzete
; why
sit ye
in this suppliant posture?
qoijmavtion, qoijmativdion , crasis for to; iJmavt- .
qoivna , hJ , Dor. for qoivnh . Hence qoinavzw
qoinavzw , = qoinavw , Xen.