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U .


U, u , tov , indecl., twentieth letter of Gr. alphabet: as numeral uV = 400, but Ëu = 400,000. Called uJyilovn , because the orig. sound was broad, like ou , and afterwards was thin like French u. The Gr. u , like Lat. v , was originally both a vowel (u) and a semi-vowel (v), v. infr. II .

I. Interchanges of v with other vowels,
1. Aeol. for o , as o[numa stuvma u[rni" for o[noma stovma o[rni" ; also pivsure" for pevtore" ( tevssare" ), cf. nuvx , Lat. nox .

2. Aeol ., the diphth. ou became oi, Moi`sa for Mou`sa, levgoisa for levgousa .
3. u<Eth> sometimes replaces oi , as koinov" xunov", koivrano" kuvrio" .
4. Boeot. u<Eth> for w , as celuvnh for celwvnh .
II. u as a semivowel represented vau ( ü ), the digamma, sometimes it formed the diphth. au , as aujevrusan for ajnüevrusan ( v. aujeruvw ), aujivacoi for ajnüivacoi, aujavta for ajüavta ( a[th ) , kalau`roy

for kalavüroy, talauvrino" for talavürino", tanauvpode" for tanaüovpode" ; sometimes the dipth. eu , as eu[aden for e[üaden .

u], u\

u] u\ , a sound to imitate a person snuffing a feast, Ar.


JUavde" , wn, aiJ , ( u{w ) the Hyades, seven stars in the head of the bull, which threatened rain when they rose with the sun, Il., Hes. (Commonly deriv. from u{w , cf. Lat. Pluviae : but the genuine Lat. name was suculae , piglings, as if u|" were the root; and this agrees with the quantity, u being short in uJavde" , long in u{w : Eur. however has uJavde" with u<Eth> .)


u{aina± , hJ , the hyaena, an animal of the dog kind, with a bristly mane like a hog (whence the name), Hdt.


JUakivnqia ( sc. iJerav ) , tav , a Lacedaemonian festival in honour of Hyacinthus, held in the month Hecatombaeon, Hdt. , Thuc. , etc.


uJakinqiØno-ba±fhv" , ev" , ( bavptw ) dyed hyacinth-colour, Xen.


uJakivnqiØno" , h, on , hyacinthine, Od., Eur.


JUavkinqo" »a±1/4, oJ , Hyacinthus, a Laconian youth, beloved by Apollo, who killed him by a cast of the discus, Eur.


uJavkinqo" , oJ and hJ , the hyacinth, Il., etc. ;—a flower said to have sprung up from the blood of Hyacinthus or of Ajax; and the petals were thought to bear the letters AI , or AIA `I , Mosch. ; hence the epithet graptav in Theocr. The hyacinth seems to have comprehended several dark blue flowers: Hom.

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