Sebastiav" , hJ , = Lat. Augusta , the Empress, Anth.
sebastov" , hv, ovn , ( sebavzomai ) reverenced, august: used to render the imperial name Augustus, Strab. , N.T.
sebivzw , f. Att. sebiw` : aor. I ejsevbisa :like sebavzomai , to worship, honour, Lat. revereor , Pind ., Trag. ; kaina; levch " . to devote oneself to a new wife, Eur. :also in Med. , oujde;n sebivzei ajrav" standest not in awe of curses, Aesch. ; aor. I pass. part ., aJgw; sebisqeiv" Soph.
sevbomai, SE vBOMAI
SE vBOMAI , mostly in pres. ; aor. I ejsevfqhn : Dep. : to feel awe or fear before God, to feel religious awe, feel shame, Il., Ar. ; sefqei`sa awe-stricken, Plat .: c. inf. to dread or fear to do a thing, Aesch. , Plat.
2. c. acc. pers. to honour with pious awe, to worship, Lat. veneror , Pind ., Hdt. , etc. :then, to do homage to, pay honour or respect to, Trag.
sevbo" , tov , = sevba" , in pl. sevbh , Aesch.
sevbw, SE vBW, sevbw
SE vBW, = the older form sevbomai , used only in pres. and impf. , to worship, honour, Pind ., Att. ; eu\ sevbein tinav for eujsebei`n ei[" tina , Eur. : c. inf ., uJbrivzein ouj sevbw , i.e. to; uJbrivzein , I do not respect, approve of insolence, Aesch. ; to; mh; ajdikei`n sevbonte" Id.then, sevbomai as Pass. to be reverenced, Soph.
2. absol. to worship, be religious, Aesch ., Soph.
sevqen , old poët. form of sou` , gen. of suv .
Seilhnov" , oJ , Silenus, companion of Bacchus, Hdt. ; father of the Satyrs, Eur.
Seilhn-wvdh" , e" , ( ei\do" ) like Silenus, Plat
sei`o , Ep. for sou` , gen. of suv .
sei`o" , a, on , Lacon. for qei`o" .
seirav , Ion. seirhv , hJ , ( ei[rw, ajeivrw ) a cord, rope, string, band, Hom .; ". cruseivh a cord or chain of gold, Il.